Enjoy a personalized shopping experience in our boutique with a Diamond Advisor.
Welcome to our Burlington boutique. Our store is by appointment only! Our customer care associate will meet with your personally to assist with jewelry service needs. If your desired appointment time is not available, please contact us at 781-362-4767. We are always available to answer all your questions.
209 Cambridge Street
Burlington, MA 01803
One Retail Location
To schedule your appointment, please email us at info@princessdiamonds.net or call us at 781-362-4767
Store Hours
Monday: 10AM - 5PM
Tuesday: 10AM - 5PM
Wednesday: 10AM - 5PM
Thursday: 10AM - 5PM
Friday: 10AM - 5PM
Appointments are recommended. If you have a date and time in mind, please contact us, and we'll be happy to schedule your visit.